Monday, December 29, 2008

Spathiphyllum - Peace Lily


The Spathiphyllum or Peace Lily is a very popular houseplant. People keep them both indoors and outdoors. It produces white or greenish-white flowers called spaths during the warmer seasons.This plant is quite beautiful even without flowers.

Caring for your Peace Lily

Plant your Peace Lily in partial to full shade and keep the soil moist. Prune dead spaths.


The Spathiphyllum(whole plant) is toxic and should not be consumed.

Related Articles
Peace Lily: Your Free Air Purifier


Thursday, November 27, 2008

Jatropha Podagrica "Buddha Belly"


Jatropha podagrica leaf
New leaf on Jatropha podagrica
The Jatropha podagrica is an easy plant to grow and people grow it for its swollen caudex and unusual leaves. It flowers all year round - if the temperaure is high enough - and gets more flowers during the hotter season. The plant can be placed in shade but will bloom more if it gets many hours of sun daily. This beautiful succulent originates from Guatemala.
This beautiful plant produces seed pods which explode when ripe, scattering the seeds several feet away from the mother plant.

Caring for your Jatropha Podagrica

The Jatropha podagrica does not require much care apart from an occasional watering and an annual fertilizing (it depends on your soil). Always let the soil dry before watering, else the root may rot.It can also be grown indoors in a pot if adequate lighting is present.

Handling and Propagation
Small Jatropha podagrica plant

The plant and its seeds are poisonous if ingested.Propagation is done very easily by seeds.

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No related articles yet.


Lucky Bamboo


The lucky bamboo - dracaena sanderiana - is a great plant for beginners and can be kept both indoor and outdoor. The lucky bamboo originates from Africa(Ha, you thought it was from China???) and blooms when subjected to drought conditions. The lucky bambo is not related to the bamboo - you know, the true one - and is used as a decorative plant. The Lucky Bamboo is said to attract luck as stated in Feng Shui.

Caring for your Lucky Bamboo

It is a difficult plant to kill but the leaves get damaged easily from unproper care. Too much fertilisation leads to browning of the tip of the leaves. You'll get the same symptoms if you water your lucky bamboo with chlorinated water. Leave the water overnight to let the chlorine escape before watering. The lucky bamboo can be grown either potted in soil or directly in water. The latter method requires only the base of the stem to be immersed in water as the leaves cannot grow in water.

Handling and Propagation

Propagation of the Lucky Bamboo is quite easy. Just cut any piece of it, having at least two to three nodes and stick it in a pot or in water. New roots will form quickly and you'll get a brand new Lucky Bamboo.

Related Articles

Why do the leaves on my lucky bamboo plant have brown tips?


Wednesday, November 19, 2008




Thyme - Thymus vulgaris - is an aromatic herb which blooms to get purple flowers. However, the reason why I (and other gardeners) grow this plant is not for its flowers. Thyme leaves are used flavouring and sometimes for garnishing of food. This is a very easy herb for your kitchen. You may grow it either in your garden or in a pot in the kitchen. The aroma of fresh thyme will surely make your dish tastier.

Caring for your Thyme plant

You can grow your own thyme plants through seeds. Sow the seeds loosely and transplant them when they reach about 2 inches or 5cm high. Thyme can be grown in partial shade but full sun is better.


Make sure you do not damage the plant when you are harvesting some thyme leaves. Cut the leaves with a pair of scissors. Using a knife may pull out young plants. Thyme can be propagated through cuttings or layering.

Related Articles

The Lemon thyme
Photo by mezuni


Saturday, November 15, 2008

Euphorbia milii slideshow video 2

Related articles:
Euphorbia milii


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Euphorbia milii slideshow video

Related Articles

Euphorbia Milii


Saturday, November 1, 2008

Plant List

African Violet

Crown of Thorns Euphorbia milii


Euphorbia Milii --- Crown of Thorns


The Euphorbia milii or Crown of Thorns is a succulent having spines on its stem.
This plant originates from Madagascar and is easy to grow and propagate. However, care should be observed during handling as the plant is toxic. The Crown of Thorns can be kept indoors and can also tolerate relatively higher salinity levels than other plants. So give it a try if you live near the seaside!!!


Always wear gloves and/or goggles when cutting or grafting the Crown of Thorns. Pruning of the Crown of Thorns is not straightforward because of its poisonous sap. The white sap looks like milk, and may ruin your cutting tool. It is preferable to use a cheap knife instead. Cleaning is also easier.

Related Articles

Crown of Thorns Video Slideshow 1
Crown of Thorns Video slideshow 2


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Unknown cactus

Can anyone name this cactus please????


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Inch Plant (or Wandering Jew)

Tradescantia fluminensis 'Albovittata'.

The Inch Plant (or Wandering Jew) needs partial shade for a good growth.


Saturday, October 25, 2008

Unknown plant 2


unknown plant 1


Monday, October 20, 2008

Propagation of African Violet

The African violet is easily propagated. All you have to do is to cut a leaf and insert it in a new pot. Wait some time for the root to develop and new leaves will sprout!!!
cut a leaf with your fingers
Put the leaf in a cup or small pot filled with soil and water well. Remember not to pour water on the leaves.

Related Links

African Violet


Saturday, October 18, 2008

Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Dutchman's-Pipe Cactus

That's a nice and strange plants that blooms only at night.
a young plant coming from a piece of leaf. the propagation of Epiphyllum oxypetalum is easy.


African violet

The African Violet is a simple hardy plant that can be kept by everyone. This plant does not stays quite small in size and is suitable for a small pot.

Velutina Variety

However, it should be kept out of rain though. When watering, never let water fall onto its leaves. The leaves will rot. I usually leave a small empty area in the pot for watering.

The soil should be always moist and the leaves tending upwards.

Related links

Propagation of African Violet


Marigold - Tagetes erecta

The Tagetes erecta is also known as the African marigold or Aztec marigold.


Contact me

Hi, welcome to my gardening blog. I’m Rikesh and I write the Learn Gardening Blog to help people with gardening and other activities related to it. I'm also on the Flowers Forum. I'm not an expert but I'm willing to share whatever I know to my readers/subscribers. I started the LearnGardening Blog in 2008 to share and learn(You can teach me too!) from other people. The plants I love are cactii, succulents and aquatic plants. By the way, I love aquarium fish too. I have my email address in the little picture below if you wish to contact me.

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